3 Tips for Natural Weight Loss

Okay so I have not posted in a few days.....Things happen during the Holidays you know like unexpected guest, family members dropping by wanting to get some shopping done you know the drill. You go shopping and you forget all about the blog post that you are scheduled to do. So, I am back now so let's continue with Healthy Living and Creating a Lifestyle of Healthy habits. I will share three tips with you today for Natural Weight Loss.

Tip #1 is not depriving yourself of food, and skipping meals. This is a no no and can really affect how your body responds to a weight loss program. Experts recommend eating three servings of whole grain foods a day. I suggest that you have one of those whole grains at breakfast, because it is as we know the most important meal of the day. Have a good nutritious breakfast loaded with antioxidants, such as blueberries which are good for improving your memory, I like yogurt (great for the immune system) in the mornings with spinach and a lean cut of protein such as salmon. I love salmon and could literally eat it every day, it gives me energy that I need for my daily schedule of walking and working my business and salmon is loaded with Omega 3 which is great for the skin. Oh and if you prefer not to have spinach in the morning that's okay, choose another low fat option instead and try to include whole grain such as a cereal, or whole grain bread.

When you begin to lose weight, you will regain your self confidence and will love the way you look. And as mentioned above, never deprive yourself of food instead go ahead and have the foods that you enjoy but in smaller portions. Doing this helps you in the long run because you don't feel deprive and will most likely stick to a healthy eating plan.

Tip #2 Beware of foods that are low in fat. When you are shopping for healthy foods to eat, you have to keep your eyes on the labels....READ THEM because they contain a lot of hog wash if you know what I mean. Some of the things on them you can't even pronounce. I personally prefer to buy most of my vegetables fresh if at all possible. I avoid most foods that say that they are low in fat because most of them are high in sugar and fructose which will ruin your efforts in the long run.

Tip #3
Here are some foods you may want to consider adding to your diet to help you live longer and feel healthy.

1. Yogurt – Helps Immune System
2. Apples – Lowers Cholesterol
3. Avocados – Boost Immunity
4. Sea Weed – Hearth Health and Bone Health
5. Blueberries – Improves Memory
6. Goji Berry – Helps reduce obesity, and enhances the immune system
7. Pomergrante – Rich in Antioxidants more than Red Wine or Green Tea
8. Green Tea – Loaded with Antioxidants
9. Walnuts – Great for hair makes It Shine
10. Wild Salmon - Loaded with Omega 3 The Good Fat

I am not an expert nor do I claim to be....just sharing information and ideas that have worked for me in my quest for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Until next time..

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